As a lawyer, paralegal, DA or judge, you know how confidential and critical your legal documents are. They contain sensitive information about cases that, if leaked or destroyed, could affect the life or death of an individual. We don’t just scan your documents.
We understand the integrity and legibility of the scanned items must be maintained. In order to provide the highest quality results, we provide full document preparation, including repairing the physical document, removing staples and clips, and employing a detailed quality review process.
Many of your scanned documents will be entered into evidence; as such, they should be as clean and legible as possible. With legal document imaging, you are saving space in your offices, and cutting down on the risk of damage, loss, and destruction. In addition to scanning, some of our extra services include coding, storage, printing, indexing, labeling, and shredding. You won’t believe how affordable our rates are.
Follow this link to get a free customized quote on legal document imaging now: